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Making your Choices

If students are currently in top sets for Languages they should consider doing at least one of the Modern Languages offered in Key Stage 4 - French and German. Technology courses this year are: DT Practical Cookery, DT Graphic Communication, DT Textile Design, DT Product Design, DT Practical Woodworking, and Practical Workshop Skills. Arts subjects: Music, Art and Design, Drama, and Performing Arts. Social Sciences: Business Studies, Enterprise, and Health and Social Care. Humanities: Geography, Global Perspectives, History, and RE. Computer Science, ICT, Manx, Media Studies, BTEC Sport, Physical Education, and Separate Sciences are also available options. In partnership with University College Man, we offer a range of vocational courses.


This website is based on the latest information we have, but there may be some changes, prior to the start of courses in September.


All subjects are offered as long as there are both enough students opting for the subject (this is usually around 10) and provided specialist teachers continue to be in place.

When you are considering your option choices, please think about the following questions:

  • Are you likely to find the course interesting?

  • Is it essential for your future career?

  • Is it a subject you would like to become good in?

  • Do you like the method of assessment and teaching?


You are at a point in your life when you are taking personal responsibility for your academic future. It is very much hoped that it will be a fulfilling and exciting time.



Watch the options presentation, read the subject information carefully, and view the accompanying videos 


  • Consider the options on offer. Make informed decisions.

  • Think about your career ambitions and whether it might be important to opt for specific subjects.

  • Use the iCould website to research career choices and the qualifications they require.

  • If you are unsure what you want to do in the future, choose options that you are confident you will enjoy.


Discuss your ideas with Parents/Carers and Staff 


  • Talk through your choices with your parent or carer and speak to your teachers should you have any questions.

  • Consider any advice provided.


Complete the Options Form accurately


  • Make sure you choose the correct form to complete. If you want to study a course at UCM, you must complete the BHS & UCM options form, otherwise complete the BHS ONLY options form.

  • Read each section of the relevant options form carefully.

  • Make sure that you are happy to study your reserve choices as they might be called into play.

  • Make sure you have discussed your choices with a parent or carer before you submit your form.


Options Process 


  • The school will consider the choices you have made and may discuss them with you.

  • In the summer term, students will be issued with a letter confirming option choices.

Options Form

Forms go live: Mon 29th January 2024

Form submission deadline: Fri 8th March 2024


You will be asked for a login. Your login is your school computer's login, with at the end. 

Eg. (your password is your own password).


Please select only one of the forms below to complete:

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