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Asked Questions

Q1 / How do I find out what the subjects on offer are about?

It is important that you read about all the subjects on offer (including those offered at University College of Mann – UCM) on the subject pages under the Subjects tab. For more detailed information on courses offered at BHS, you should watch the videos compiled by our Subject Leaders about their courses at the bottom of each subject page.

Q2 / How many options subjects do I take at Key Stage 4?

You will take FOUR options subjects at Key Stage 4, in addition to English, Maths, Science, RE, a double Games lesson, and PSHE.


When filling in an options form, you are asked to make SIX choices, including two reserve choices in order to make the process more flexible.

Q3 / What do the qualification codes (eg. BTEC, SQA, UAS) mean?

BTEC and SQA courses are vocational in style, meaning they are based upon real-world occupations. They are assessed in large part through coursework assignments, though there will be some external assessment involved. Both BTEC and SQA National 4 & 5 qualifications are equivalent to GCSE grades A*-G. 


UAS (Unit Award Scheme) applies to Practical Workshop Skills, a course available only to those opting for a UCM course. This is a non-GCSE option.


In addition, please note that Science, History, and English Literature have now adopted courses that follow the newer GCSE 9-1 grading pattern, where 9 is the highest pass grade and 1 the lowest.

Q4 / If I am unsure whether to take a course at UCM, should I complete both forms?

No.  Please fill in ONE form only.  If you later change your mind, a parent/carer can inform Mr Withington of the change [See FAQ 6]. Please note, as places on UCM courses fill up quickly, you are advised to complete the BHS & UCM Options form. There are more likely to be options you can swap into in school than the other way around.

Q5 / Do I get a copy of my options after I submit my form?

Yes. After you submit your form, you will be asked if you want to save a copy. A copy will appear in your Microsoft 365 list of files.

Q6 / Can I change my options after I have submitted them?

Once submitted, any communication about your options should be emailed to from a Parent/Carer email address. Please note, no changes to options will be accepted once you click 'submit'. Changes will only be considered after you receive your options confirmation letter after TT week. Choices available after this point will likely be limited so you should be sure of what you are choosing when submitting your form.

Q7/ How do I attend a course at UCM?

Year 10 attend college courses on Wednesday mornings. Year 11 attend on Tuesday mornings. You are expected to make your own way to UCM. You will be transported by bus back to BHS in time for the start of period 5.

Q8/ Am I guaranteed to get the options I choose?

We aim to fulfil as many student options choices as possible. However, it is very important that you select your reserve options carefully as situations can arise that mean your reserve choice is used in place of one of your more preferred options. These situations include:

  • A subject you chose cannot run for lack of student numbers.

  • A subject you chose cannot be offered owing to staffing issues.

  • You have chosen subjects that are not permitted to be combined (eg. You cannot choose more than two DT subjects).

  • The school has concerns that a subject you have chosen is not suitable for you.  

  • An interview and/or aptitude test may be set by UCM for some of the courses offered there. The results of either will decide if you are accepted onto the course. BHS have no influence with regards who is/is not successful in gaining a place. Please be aware that the number of applicants for UCM courses often exceeds the number of places available.


[Please note: in some very rare circumstances, it might not be possible to offer one of your four preferred options, and your reserve choices are not possible either. You will be consulted about possible alternatives in such cases].

Q9/ Is any help available?

You should first take advantage of all the helpful materials on the BHS options website. However, if you need further help then you should arrange to meet one of the following people who will try to advise you:

  •  Your tutor or Head of Year

  • Miss Hicks (Key Stage 3 & 4 Leader)

  • Your LSS Key Worker or Mrs Karran (SENDCO)

  • Individual Subject Leaders

  • Mr Redmayne (Assistant Head Teacher)

  • Mr Wiles (Deputy Head Teacher)

  • Mr Withington (Director of Logistics)

Q10/ When is the deadline for making my Options choices?

The deadline for Options submissions is Friday 7th March 2025.

©2024-25 Ballakermeen High School.

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